In my list, I have about 40 wrong answers given by caller. Not one of that the answer that I guess. Is it xxxxxum?? Hehhehe.. Hopefully that are the answer.. I still try my luck to get through the line… Everyday I hope I am the luckiest caller.. (bestnya kalau dapat duit tergolek…. Hehe). Good Luck sri.. Good Luck to myself..
FLY FM end bit contest.. RM8100
In my list, I have about 40 wrong answers given by caller. Not one of that the answer that I guess. Is it xxxxxum?? Hehhehe.. Hopefully that are the answer.. I still try my luck to get through the line… Everyday I hope I am the luckiest caller.. (bestnya kalau dapat duit tergolek…. Hehe). Good Luck sri.. Good Luck to myself..
my everyday routine.. pumping mother...
Alhamdulillah, first session, manage to get 7 oz.. Normally, maximum amounts that I can get only 6 oz.. extra happy.. hehehe. Second session on 5 pm, I hope that can get at least another 4 oz.. Enough stock for the whole next day.
I noticed that Fahri only consume about 8-10 0z milk after I introduce solid food to him. Before this, he consume at least 14-16 oz perday.. My milk supply also drop from 16 oz to average 10 oz perday since Fahri 7 months ++. Yes, it about supply and demand..
More demand, more milk will produce. I just pump twice a day. Maybe I need to pump more frequent after this to increase the supply.. Alhamdulillah.. I manage to have about 60 oz stock in my fridge. No stress to prepare the next day stock while Fahri at Babysitter house. Thanks Allah.. You gave me the strengths.
Good Luck CEPP...
I hope their event more success than last year. Hope they will grow bigger and get more participation from industry. Me myself as staff at MHC, we also support as supporting agency.
Good Luck CEPP…
Now i know why Fahri always got fever...
The Dr explained to me that after measles, Fahri immune system was gone. It need time to build the immune system back. Dr said, better for Fahri to start take vitamin on his diet. This can help to build the immune system faster.
So, everythings was clear. Hope with vitamin C syrup that I will give everyday will help him to build immune system faster beside breastfeed. Before the measles,he never got fever except while his 2 months injection program. I love to see my Fahri always healthy and happy.. love u sayang mama..
XXXX the stupidest bank in the world...
Fahri got fever again....
Erm.. fahri got fever again... pity my son... hope you will get well soon.. love you fahri mama... maybe his teeth want comeout again.. fahri got fever while his first teeth comeout on his 9 months birthday..
thanks to Allah because this time fever not too high.. he act like nothing happened.. Playing his toys actively..(alhamdulillah.. xmeragam plk)... Get well soon son.. love you very much..
Happy day...
To day I have drive to office.. best.. you know why? Very smooth sailing.. not jammed like usual. Eventhough I’m already late..8.20 from home.. I manage to reach at office at 8.50 am.. I still have 10 minute before working hour started.
After this, I think want going somewhere at Jalan TAR.. Long Friday break.. I like.. Window shopping is therapy for me.. and I also can get some exercise from walking from one Shop to others...
Maybe want buy some new cloths for Fahri.. I like to shopping for him.. No mama cloth please.. Enough for mama.. Actually, I am in mission to ‘berjimat-cermat’… hehehe.. (boleh caya ke?)
Orait.. time to go.. tata titi tutu..
Work.. Really need career changing...
Just short entry… luckily my boss allowed me going to ukhwah.. if not, I will sick because of bored like mad without internet at office.. Allah.. please help me.. I really need career changing..
Fahri won contest "aksi si manja"..
wah... this afternoon I have got phone call from admin He said that fahri was won for the contest Aksi Si Manja.. I'm soooo excited to hear about that.. Actually on 1st and 2nd of Feb , i have check at the blog whose the winner.. but at that time, they not publish whose the winner yet..
The admin of the blog said, he will send the present by hand at my office.. Maybe he also works at nearby. I don’t care what the present it is.. Fahri won that contest is big satisfaction for me.. (biarla contest kat blog pon tak kisah…hahaha) Whose didn’t want the free gift right?? Hehehe
Actually, I have registered as follower for that blog. The blog I think very interesting for those are breastfeed mom.. I hope that one day I will afford to but Freestyle Medela Breast pump to make it easier for me to pumping everywhere and anywhere.. InsyaAllah..
They also sell very cute Breastfeed mom cloth and other Bf accessories … And I also get a token from 1superkids website admin as appreciation for me to contribute an article at the website.. Just small given but I really appreciated it.. Thanks kak lina…
Thanks to all Aksi Si Manja’s Juri for choosing Fahri as a winner.. From now, I will more “rajin” to joint any blog contest.. hehe..
flyfm end bit... UM....
This end bit contest really appealing for me to joint it. You know how much the price now? RM6600..It is really much money for me. Yes… if I got that money, many things I can do with that. Since I want to buy a house, the money can make use for buy new furniture for the house.
You know guys, now I live at flat house. We even didn’t have a set of bedroom for our self. For a week I have tried to call the hotline but still can’t get it.
What do you think the answer it is? Some listener gives it as spectrum, coliseum, sagitarium, album, planetarium and many more… All the answer is wrong.
In my mind, I have one word that I think the suitable word after listening all clues. I have follows this end bit contest since it still RM3K++ worth price. Dear God, please help me to win for the contest… Amin… (hehhehheh… if I won the price, I will get bedroom furniture for my new house.. Amin…:)