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This Thursday & Friday, i will outstation to JB..

i like.. why?.. because i will bring together my hubby and baby..outstation + free vacation.. hehe.. everything will be supported by company. luckily fairus wass off that day. if not, maybe i go there only with fahri.. Ya Allah.. a cant imagine how to bring baby here and there without my hubby.. i think, it very difficult..

Hope that fahri will healthy on that day.. Fahri always fall sick recently.. hope everything will be fine.. insyaAllah..


  1. salam Sri...
    Saya nak contact Sri tapi takde no HP cuma saya nak minta maaf sbb ada terkasar bunyinya masa dlm SI. Bila saya jumpa Sri masa course hari itu saya rasa malu sebab Sri sudi menegur saya dan saya memang respect dgn cara Sri. Iyalah Sri kadang2 saya menilai org dari segi penulisan tapi sebenarnya bila bertemu pandangan jadi lain, lebih menghormati setiap pendapat masing2. Bila Sri comment kat blog saya, saya rasa lega sbb ingat Sri mungkin akan rasa tak suka dgn saya. Terima kasih Sri!

  2. nak g JB yek..ati2..selamat bergumbira!

  3. tq le-a.. hopely we have nice trip

    Along.. sri respect kat along jg.. bkn sumer orang mampu buat seperti apa yg along buat skrng.. you should proud of yourself.. :)
