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another interview this afternoon...

Friends, please pray for me... please wish me luck.. This afternoon, i have another interview session at Cyberjaya...

I hope, i will bring happy news to my family..

From now on, i will all out to find better job.. insyaAllah..

And InsyaAllah, if i get the job, i will do my responsibility as good as i can...

with new spirit, new environment and new team...

demotivate doing my job...

MALAS LA HARI NIE...............

Do not know where the joy and spirit to do my job... My task on RTM shooting for Herba Malaysia almost done. Now, i have something that i did not like to do in my list.. but, mcm ni la makan gaji kan.. either you like or not, you must do it...
But at my office, there are officer that will refuse whatever job that been given to them.. (kadang-kadang geram ler jg...susah keje dgn company sedara mara nie.. )
What to do... ?????

new disaster at our office...

do not know how to tell the story... my bos was resign... can you imagine? the person whose manage this company will leave this company within a week.. what happend to us after this?

He will leave this company because he get other offer from other company.. but why now?? He will leave this company in truely bad condition.. Who will responsible for the problems that was created by him?

Ya Allah... please help us...

feel so touching.......

tulis dalam bahasa je la. nak cepat...

pagi tadi seperti biasa sebelum pegi keje, aku akan salam dan cium tangan Fairus kalau dia ada kat rumah..
then, Fairus pulak akan kucup dahi aku... benda ni mmg dah rutin selepas kami diijap kabulkan...

masa fairus nak kucup dahi tu, fahri pun cium pipi aku serentak.. terkejut...

Fairus tengah dukung Fahri.. Ya Allah.. tersentuh sangat.. Tanpa ku pinta anak ku turut cium pipi aku..

Terima kasih sayang... papa dan cayang mama.. semoga kasih sayang ini akan kekal selamanya....

Syukur Ya Allah atas nikmat mu..

bila CD beratur... hehe

macam apa jer tajuk entry nih... hehhe

Weekend with mission washing all the dirty cloths.. including Fahri's CDs...
Sidai kat dalam umah because after that we want going to umah tok papa..
Sidai kat luar nanti kene songlap plk... abis....

to day, i would like to share my experience on using CD @ cloth diapers for my litle chomell and chubby Fahri...

currently i have 15 CD, 11 coolababy and 4 babyland brand. Just buy the cheapest brand. This is my mission to 'berjimat cermat' and 'selamatkan bumi kita'

Why i say save and safe?? save my money and safe our environment... go green.. Did you know every disposal diapers need about 200 years to be completely degradable and i think more than that..(kalau tak silap la yerk)

Below are model that using babyland brand CD... hehehe

model yang pemalu menunjukkan kakinya yg montok... hehehhe

fahri and pocoyo... hehehe

jom ber CD... jimat duit, selamat untuk anak dan selamatkan alam sekitar kita...

congratulations cayang mama... know you can walk..

alhamdulillah... fahri now can walk.. it quite 'lambat' if compared to other children at his age but for me it is ok.. this is most precious moment to be remembered as mother..

the funny things, he really like playing his red ball. kicking it even he can't walk steadily.. hehe..

Fahri milestone :
1. Crawling at 4 and half months
2. crawling with stomach off at 9 and half months
3. his first step on his first besday
4. can walk at almost 14 months...

Good luck cayang mama.. my love and pray is always with you...

ni jer yg sempat upload.. others video too long to upload.. cant't wait. my pc too lembab..

school holidays is mating season.. hehhee

why i say like that?? because this school holidays i've got 7 invitation from friends.. I just available to go only 4 invitations..

last week and last two week the tiredness weekend ever.. Last 2 weeks we went to kuantan to attend Fairus's cousin wedding.

Last week we went to my friends weddings at Bahau, Jenjarum and Bangi. Luckily the places not too far from our house..

Anyway, congratulations friends.. hope you'll be happy ever together...

picnic @ air terjun Serendah...

Did you know where is Serendah?? hehe.. it is only 30 minutes driving from Pekan Rawang. this waterfall is near kampung orang asli... it is nice place..

to enter this area, the only entrance is through taman sri serendah... beside water fall, there also has big fishing poll for those who love fishing.

this water fall is suitable for family picnic. Why? there is area that save for children beside deep area that suitable for adult.

but beware.. this waterfall is quite dangerous because it has "arus" that will pull people into the heavy waterfall area.. there also has signage tell 10 people was died in that area. but dont worry... i consider this area is safe as long as you not "bermandi manda berseorangan"...

so, for those want to bring your children for holiday, this is suitable area and it free... hehhe.. jom cuti-cuti Malaysia...

my brother.. "guard " of the day...

cian... tok papa and papa did'n give permission to bermandi manda...

here we are...

free show... butt shaking and belly dancing while we are claping our hand.. hehe..

Papa Fahri with uncle roy...

nyum nyum... i like eating...

kami tak mandi pon... anak mama got fever la...

air terjun serendah.... quite cloudy after heavy rainning...

Fahri's cousin...

Actually we went there for 4 cars on last 29 may.. My family, my parent, my sister's family, my brother's family and my elder sister's family.. It so happening even it was rainning before and after we went there. This type activity will tightened family bonding and i hope our family will be happy always..

note : 29 may is my elder sister birthday and 5th anniversarry my brother and sil married.. hope they will happy ever after...

Our third Anniversarry...

2nd of June is our third anniversarry.. (cerita dah basi... apa nk buat tak sompek nak update..)Nothing special.. after came back from outstation at Melacca, we decided to go to i-City... penat pon ku gagah kan jua demi hubby tersayang hehe it really beautiful place..

This day, 3 years ago is a big day for us.. after knowing each other for one and half year, at last we mean together... alhamdulillah..

For my hubby, thank you for being loving, understanding and good husband and friends for me...and also loving papa for our sweetheart, Fahri.. you such a great given from Allah to me.. I always pray to Allah, we will together until to Jannah.. insyaAllah...

And InsyaAllah, mama always try to be a good wife for you and loving mama for Fahri.. mama not perfect.. please help mama to be the greatest person who will live beside you always.. ( i can't live without you papa...) May Allah bless us..

happy viewing...

snow season @ Malaysia...

mama, cantiklah swan tue...

i am sweaty... quite hot between the tree...

three of us... mama, papa and our sweet heart, Fahri..

everywhere full with shining light...

while mama and papa having a simple dinner, he busy looking at i-City scenery..

i love them very much...

Fahri with curious face..

shooting stars...

in my conclution, i-City is a nice place to bring our family and enjoy the art and beauty of light..