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new disaster at our office...

do not know how to tell the story... my bos was resign... can you imagine? the person whose manage this company will leave this company within a week.. what happend to us after this?

He will leave this company because he get other offer from other company.. but why now?? He will leave this company in truely bad condition.. Who will responsible for the problems that was created by him?

Ya Allah... please help us...


  1. Ya Allah.. memohon padaNya semoga ada jalan keluar.. musibah dari Allah.. rezeki juga dari Allah.. yang terbaik buat Tuti dan kawan² sepejabat..

  2. tq kak ina... mmg risau sangat... smg Allah permudahkan segala urusan...

  3. Sri: Erm,ssh jugak cm ni yer..snng2 je dh nak angkat kaki dr problem yg die create. InsyAllah, de la tuh jalannye...sabar yer.:)

  4. ko la jd bos seri.....ko keje mana skang?

  5. pijah : keje kat kl.. company rahsia.. hehre

    zana : tu la psl... mls dh nk pikir... maybe dah rezeki dia... ktorg ni terpaksa la survive kan...

  6. sabar lah ye sri... kekadang ada org suka amik jln mudah.. tinggalkan semua.. xfikir org lain...
