Sidai kat luar nanti kene songlap plk... abis....
to day, i would like to share my experience on using CD @ cloth diapers for my litlechomell and chubby Fahri...
to day, i would like to share my experience on using CD @ cloth diapers for my litle
currently i have 15 CD, 11 coolababy and 4 babyland brand. Just buy the cheapest brand. This is my mission to 'berjimat cermat' and 'selamatkan bumi kita'
Why i say save and safe?? save my money and safe our environment... go green.. Did you know every disposal diapers need about 200 years to be completely degradable and i think more than that..(kalau tak silap la yerk)
Below are model that using babyland brand CD... hehehe
model yang pemalu menunjukkan kakinya yg montok... hehehhe
fahri and pocoyo... hehehe
jom ber CD... jimat duit, selamat untuk anak dan selamatkan alam sekitar kita...
salam sri..CD ni x ssh ke nk bsh?die mcm napkin biase oo cam disposable diapers?
ReplyDeletetak de la susah sangat... balik dari keje, alirkan jer air utk buang najis... kalau kene berak, sri berus2 manja gitu nak baung najis tue.. ni sri buat sambil2 nak mandi b4 solat.. kumpul la utk beberapa hari n then masuk dlm mesin basuh..(masuk dalam net tau).. pastu jemur.. dalm rumah jer pon boleh.. sonang jo... boleh pakai bertahun n sangat jimat... pampers pakai buang bukan murah maaa... :(