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Our third Anniversarry...

2nd of June is our third anniversarry.. (cerita dah basi... apa nk buat tak sompek nak update..)Nothing special.. after came back from outstation at Melacca, we decided to go to i-City... penat pon ku gagah kan jua demi hubby tersayang hehe it really beautiful place..

This day, 3 years ago is a big day for us.. after knowing each other for one and half year, at last we mean together... alhamdulillah..

For my hubby, thank you for being loving, understanding and good husband and friends for me...and also loving papa for our sweetheart, Fahri.. you such a great given from Allah to me.. I always pray to Allah, we will together until to Jannah.. insyaAllah...

And InsyaAllah, mama always try to be a good wife for you and loving mama for Fahri.. mama not perfect.. please help mama to be the greatest person who will live beside you always.. ( i can't live without you papa...) May Allah bless us..

happy viewing...

snow season @ Malaysia...

mama, cantiklah swan tue...

i am sweaty... quite hot between the tree...

three of us... mama, papa and our sweet heart, Fahri..

everywhere full with shining light...

while mama and papa having a simple dinner, he busy looking at i-City scenery..

i love them very much...

Fahri with curious face..

shooting stars...

in my conclution, i-City is a nice place to bring our family and enjoy the art and beauty of light..


  1. Wah.. celebrate kat i-City eak.. Happy Aniversary to both of you! Semoga tercapai hajat di hati.. :)

  2. hehe... tngk mcmm best jer kak ina pg sana anak beranak... nk gak pg...ktorg tak celebrate apa pun.. jenjalan jer.. hehe...anyway tq for the wish..

  3. Semoga kekal ke anak cucu....Amin. Camner Sri..okeh ke ngan Shaklee tu?

  4. along, tq for the wish.. lum nmpk kesan lg la along.. maybe sbb sri tak berapa sihat lately nie.. tngh amik antibiotik skrng.. tngk la seminggu dua nie cmne.. tp yg sri perasan, susu mmg extra pekat... nnt ada apa2 perkembangan , sri update yerk...
