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Peter Schmeichel Action on Tiger Biscuits

Biscuits Tiger delicious!!!... nyumnyum...

Yes.. i have buy 5 different actions of Peter Schmeichel on tiger biscuits packaging today.. this weekend i will change it into a cute ball with Peter Schmeichel signature on it.. this is world cup fever.. i like to watch football macth too. i am not die hard fan of any football club but i like Selangor and MU club.. Selangor because I am "Anak Jati Selangor" hehe

The reason why i so obsess to redeem this ball because, i want to give the ball to my beloved Fahri.. hehe.. Maybe it can be his birthday present for his first year birthday this Friday.. i will redeem it on this weekend at Giant Kinrara. hehe..

Fahri, mama already have birthday present for you.. love you sayang mama.. hehe

This Thursday & Friday, i will outstation to JB..

i like.. why?.. because i will bring together my hubby and baby..outstation + free vacation.. hehe.. everything will be supported by company. luckily fairus wass off that day. if not, maybe i go there only with fahri.. Ya Allah.. a cant imagine how to bring baby here and there without my hubby.. i think, it very difficult..

Hope that fahri will healthy on that day.. Fahri always fall sick recently.. hope everything will be fine.. insyaAllah..

what happend yesterday??

heehe.. i came late for that interview. Rushing from KL. and at last i manage to reach there at 4.40pm. rest for 5 minute, appologies to them and they started interview me.

Feel more confident than interview session that i gone throughh before.

i think after 20 minutes, what make i feel more shock about that interview is Madam Maria (Minah Saleh or omputeh) said "your english is quite good" hehehe..

quite funny.. the reason she said like that, she was asked me what language that i use in current work place... then i replied Bahasa Melayu...

i not agreed she say my english is good. then i explained to her that i challenged myself to write my blog in english. so that i have to think and to write in english...but not speak in english. hehe

and again i not get that job.. its ok.. i feel not frustrated anymore. they give me a good motivation, the reason they didnt hire me to be part as their team and many more. They say that i am good and with my experienced and qualification, they advice me to look for permanent job. that position just for only 2 months.

ok friends.. now i know what better for me.. my career path.. maybe my rezeki still at MHC.. and i hope there are better future for me where ever i go.. insyaAllah..

i am fasting to day...

wow... i am proud to my self because decided to be fasting today.. insyaAllah, there are another 7 days.. drop on milk production? dont worry.. insyaAllah there still rezeki for fahri. dont do the same mistake after this..

May Allah bless you..

interview at 4.45 pm

again.. but this time i'am not too excited to prepare. just know it last night through e-mail.. researcher post but only for three months.

at upm.. erm... if i get hired, did i want to go there for only 3 months?

still in thinking.. just go first and we will look what will happend after this..

good luck sri.. good luck sayang... you can do it... at least you will get used in interview session...


this weekend organize Support group meeting at bangi. this is for 3rd time at tasik cempaka bangi. I feel want to go there but again, mr hubby on duty..

Feel so sad.. in my thinking, just want go there, drive myownself n together2 with them.. But fahri? aiyoo. dangerous.. can not concentrade to drive.. Fahri'tak boleh duduk diam'...

And again i think, i cant joint them.. sorry friends..

fahri refuse to eat...

Again.. but this time i think because he feel bitter in his throat/tongue.(just recover from fever).. At night, i feel so tired and hurt because Fahri all the time 'bergayut' at my B..

maybe he feel so hungry because just eat 2 pieces of biscuits at babysitter house. hope that this just temporary habit for Fahri.. if not, mama will die.. hehehe.. more pity to papa la sayang.. (hehehe)

Fahri always sick after he got measles while he was 6 months. somtimes he got flu and somtimes he got fever alhough he was fully breastfeed. Dr said, measles was destroy his immune system and it need time to develop back the immune system .

below is picture before fahri got measles... he never fall sick before that... pity cayang mama...

both of them will turn 1 year this 30 april and 1 may...

fahri with his cousin Ainna Najihah...

While i am preggy, i together2 with my SIL preggy with same preggy age.. My due date is 10 May and she is 12 may.. but both of us deliver early almost 2 weeks. Alhamdulillah.. everythings 'selamat' and 'sihat'

We plan to celebrate together on this 1 may.. just family celebration. My brother was promise to bring ben10 and dora cake.2 carton in one cake.. hehe.. cant wait to see it.. But what i want to cook for that day?? erm.. papa, kita catering je boleh?? hehe

I need another breast pump..

second breastpump... happy breastfeeding..

Why?? what happend to your spectra 3 ??.. hehehe.. actually nothing happend. Just 'menggatal' to buy another Bpump because i want to pump in mid night. So, what the problem??.. hehhe

The problem is, i feel soo lazy to 'mengangkut' my spectra 3 by tren.. that pump quite heavy la friends.. I've got shoulder pain coz carry that pump on my handbeg...hehehe (sape suh angkut guna handbeg kan... kahkahkah...)

So the extra pump to be used only at home. I have decided to buy Medela Harmony brand from . Lyn the owner of that blog was sell it for RM200. I think, it quite cheap if compared to breastpump accessories shop. And also buy car sticker for only RM5 .. if not the sticker price is RM10. hehhehe.. TQ lyn..

Can't wait to get that breastpump... happy pumping sri.. dont be lazy to wake up at night to give and to do the best for Fahri..

Mama love you tomei mama....

end bit contest now rm12K...

aiyak... when i will win this money?.. i never heard my answer voice out by caller..
What i will do if i won that money? :

1. shoping my dream things.. just afew hundreds.. also for papa and fahri..
2. Going somwhre.. release tention..
3. give a few thousand to my father to repair our house
4. downpayment my dream house... (at least can top up afew thousand)
5. blanja mkn my family and friends..
6. saving...

Look like that money is huge amount to do all those things but i think this is possible.. because i am not the type that like 'membazir'... is it true?.. hehe..

Fahri new smile style..

For me it is so funny... You all will see it yourself..

look at Fahri.. very sweet smile.. It make my heart melted... :P..

30 April is Fahri's birthday ..

To Fahri,

This morning mama and papa were having short discussion how to celebrate your birthday..

Mama : Papa, birthday fahri kita celebrate kat umah tok papa nak? (my father house)
Papa : ok...

Mama : Kita nak jemput orang lain ke, atau kita2 je?
Papa : kita2 je la.. jemput mak dgn abah jer ..(mak & abah en. Fairus)

Mama : Tak nak jemput kawan2 abang atau sri.. ala.. sediakan makan2 sikit jer..
Papa : tak yah la.. abang tak de duit.. Moto rosak tu tak repair lagi...

Mama : Yela... (dalam hati fikir.. ye tak yer.. motor hubby ku br excident tue.. bnyk nk guna duit..)

Mama : klu cmtu guna duit mama je la.. hujung bulan ni dapat gaji kot.. Bos kata nak byr claim skali..

Papa : Yela tu.. mana bos sri dapat duit..
Mama : harap2 nyer ada la abg.. duit dr M*T*..

Papa : ....diam...
Mama : nanti sri try ty kak ina klu nak celebrate skali 1 may tue..
(kak ina my sister in law..Aina her doughter besday on 1 may.)

Mama really want to celebtare your besday this year.. you are the only child that mama have.. mama want to celebrate every moment that can be special moment to be remembered for both of us.. when you grow older, mama will tell you, this is your first besday celebration.. and so many sweet moments..insyaAllah..

mama love you always...

besday celebration.. me and hubby..

Our besday cake... 19 March 2010..

this entry just a "jiwang " entry.. hehe.. 19 march is our besday.. yes.. me and my hubby have same date besday.. but he older than me 1 year.. I was born on 19 march 1983 and he is 19 March 1982.. For besday surprise, he gave me the cute pink camera that i got on my makeup table with cute note saying " happy besday sayang"... wah.. how romantic it was.. i' soo happy..

that day, i'm not work.. (saje.. malas nk mengadap opis semasa besday ku..) happy with that surprise, i also want to make some surprise for him.. So just bought cheap cake at Bandar Tasik Selatan.. and after dinner, i came out with this cute cake.
He also look quite shock with that surprise..

Cut the cake together.. Fahri already slept.. Funny and romantic moment ever.. hehehe.
I love you very much my hubby.. you are great hubby and papa for fahri

Eating habit...

hi friends... What are you eat while having breakfast.. Me?? hehe... surely must veavy breakfast.. For example today I have a cup of hot milo + nasi goreng with daging goreng kunyit and sayur kacang panjang goreng. Yummy... it really delicious.. hehe

You know guys.. every morning I wake up quit early and breastfeed Fahri for a few time at night. Thats why I feel soo hungry like mad.. Before start work, I must eat somthing. It must for every morning to eat somthing like nasi lemak, mee goreng, roti telur, soto and many more that i describe that as heavy breakfast. KUih?? boleh la.. but at least 3 pieces... hehe

How about you? LUnch? i like to have variety type of food. If nasi campur, 2 type vegetable and 1 sources protein like meat, chicken, egg, and seafood.. Dinner?? it same like lunch..luckily I have high metabolism activity that can maintain my weight.. If not, surely I am the chomellest doraemon in the world.. hehhe

Yesterday Interview session... How??

Hi dear... Just want to share about my interview session yesterday..
I depart from my office at Medan Tuanku at 1.45 pm. I have 1 hour and 15 minutes to reach there before 3 pm. Alhamdulillah traffic was clear but I have lost my way and waste my time for 15 minutes. I manage to reach at that office at 2.45pm.

Syukur Ya Allah..The interview session look like 'sesi borak2' about my experience at MHC. Mr Edward and Mr Anthony was interviewed me and treat me with professional manner. No killing question that make me as interviewee scary or feel like to cry..

Happy... Confidence.. But somtimes it was 'tersekat2' because of my English.. Really need to brush up... And at last they give me chance to ask question.

And I asked " did i get a chance to be hired?
Then Mr Edward (HR manager) replied " We thing that you are not suitable for this position. You more suitable with personal care department that we will open soon for our future expension. We will contact you again when it will persue. No point we hire you now but there is no job right? This is more suitable for you..

Frustated? Yes a bit... But I feel want to follow up today.. May be they want to change their opinion? Erm.. Maybe they think that I not suitable do the boring job.. But i think that i can do anything as I describe myself as fast learner. What position do you think that I have applied? hehe.. Sales Administrative Executive..

If still cant get the job, its ok.. Maybe my rezeki still at MHC.. InsyaAllah...
Allah knows better...

Interview session this afternoon... Guys, please pray for me..

Hi dear...

To day at 3 pm I have interview session at Shah Alam. I think, it just small company but it is subsidiary of one company that was listed in BSKL..

InsyaAllah i will do my best. I really hope that i will get hired with better company. I dont mind if I get a slighly low salary as long as I happy with that job. At least everymonth I get my salary on time..

You know guys.. I also have alot of commitment to setle every end of the month. We have cancel to buy our dream house.. I will write later about this matter..

Please wish me the best of luck.. Really hope that I will get the job.

Fahri @ 11 months ++

recently, I'am very bussy to update my blog. In addition I was fall sick this week and was given MC by Dr for two days. But i can't have enought rest because Fahri also got fever.. Ya Allah..

But luckily my hubby was off for 2 days while we are sick. If not, i dont know how I will handle Fahri with myself so weak.

Just alittle update about Fahri development :

1. He can play 'give me five' and clap his hand steadily...
2. When we ask him 'Whose Fahri Shah ? then, he rise up his hand with very sweet smile... (soo cute.. kami yg akan jawabkan... "saya")
3. When we ask him where is kipas or lampu, then he pointing his hand to the wall..
4. Now he only crawling with stomach off
5. show off his feeling towards us.. happy, angry,
6. Not frightend to others anymore... anyone can take him from us without criyng..
7. Kiss anyone while we ask it.. good boy...
8. Can recognise afew things when we ask him.. example, his car, his book, the cat book, his lovely bobo ofcourse and others..

I love to watch fahri development everyday.. hope my son will grow up happily and healthy ever after... amin...

Malaysian Breast Feeding Peer Counselor - Work was start...

Last weekend i have attended 3 days peer conselor training (2-4 April 2010). A lot of info about breastfeeding i've got there. Very tired but i feel happy & got my satisfaction.

For 2 days Fahri follow me for the trainning.. very pity my son.. I can feel how tired of him. This morning, he got flu (2 days already).. I also feel some dizziness. My nose feel not comfortable.. but still not serious.

In my thinking, i have some idea how to encourage more mother to breastfeed their baby. I have talk to RTM for their segmen in Selamat Pagi Malaysia.. They ask me to write a letter and the idea of that program. They will reply after that base on appropriation of that program.

I also thinking to having BF class/briefing for my community at Pangsapuri Permai. I need to "meramahkan diri" to approch the organization there. I hope that this program will posible to be held there.

The motivation still in high level. Keep it work ya sri.. Dont do this "hangat2 tahi ayam".. Make sure that program will persue with succesfull. Good Luck..

These are picture while MBPFC training....

Fahri... playing with himself.. good boy..

certification... big responsiblity for me..

Me and Fahri...

right side standing with fahri in my arm.. we can do it...

i did it my way...